Don't Wait Until The Weekends TO Take Care Of Yourselves!
When I trademarked my mantra: “Self-Care IS Healthcare”™ ,
6 years ago I did so with the intent to inspire women and men to prioritize self-care as a daily ritual. There is No-Thing more important than your health.
Unhealed issues get stored in the body, until we release them. The body obliges as a storehouse for emotional wounds but it does take its toll, especially if issues are accumulated for long periods of time.
Storing wounds in the body eventually weakens the body and invites illness and disease, as well as causing depression, fatigue, stress and weight gain. The good news is that the body is ready to release issues, the moment you are.
When an unhealed issue is re-activated, don’t just push it down – take the time to finally heal it. This means creating intentional space to feel your emotions and allow the issue to process through to Healing.
Once you allow yourself to fully experience these emotions for the first time, without resistance, you will innately know what path to healing is right for you.
Wounds are meant to be healed. We are not meant to spend our lives carrying around past issues and hurts.
Unhealed issues weigh us down, keep us asleep and prevent us from consciously creating. It is only our personal issues that stop us from experiencing our greatest potential.
Holding onto issues keeps us limited and unable to reach that mountain top. You issues are stored in your tissues! Inhale- Relax – Release! You’ve Got This!!!
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